

KCIIL is a center for innovation, incubation, and linkages established at KBCNMU in Maharashtra.

Its goal is to promote innovation and create an entrepreneurial ecosystem within the university by supporting students and startups in developing innovative solutions that address socio- economic growth and employment opportunities.

KCIIL has already supported over 20 startup ideas across a range of sectors, including Healthtech, Biotech, Agrotech, Edutech, Manufacturing, Cybertech, Foodtech, and Cleantech.


To nurture the North Maharashtra region primarily by catalyzing the growth of an innovation-driven entrepreneurial ecosystem to achieve healthy and inclusive socio-economic development.


Offer a platform to foster entrepreneurial aspirations in North Maharashtra. Empower start-ups for economic growth and inclusive employment. Develop robust infrastructure and regulatory ease for the start-up ecosystem.

KBCNMU Centre for Innovation Incubation and Linkages.

Pre-Incubation Workshops

If you have innovative Business Idea

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